Catégorie : Contribution-ouvrage
Smart Energy Cities: The Role of Behavioral Interventions in Reducing Electricity Demand in Buildings in Principality of Monaco
Studies in Energy, Resource and Environmental Economics. Springer, 2024, Belaïd, F., Toumi, M., Lazaric, N.
Consommation Durable
Dictionnaire Juridique de la sécurité alimentaire dans le monde, ed Larcier, Bruxelles, Belgique directed by F. Collart Dutilleul, : 194-197, 2013,…
Le Comportement écologique du consommateur, un facteur déterminant de la sécurité alimentaire
Penser une démocratie alimentaire, F. Collart Dutilleul, et Inida, San Jose Costa Rica, p. 451-456, 2013, Bonnin de Toffoli C.,…
Sustainable consumption in an evolutionary framework: how to foster behavioural change?
Crisis, innovation, and sustainable development, Edward Elgar. B. Laperche, N. Levratto and D. Uzunidis (eds) chap 3: 67-96, 2013, Lazaric…
Cognitive Automatisms and Routinized Learning
Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning, Springer, Norbert M. Seel (ed), 2012, Lazaric, N.
Procedural and Declarative Knowledge
Handbook of Economics of Knowledge, Arena R., et Festre A., Lazaric N., (eds) Edward Elgar Cheltenham, UK, 2012, Lazaric N.
Routinization of learning
Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning, Springer, Norbert M. Seel (ed), 2012, Lazaric N.
Advancing empirical research on Organizational routines: introduction
Organizational routines: advancing empirical research, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 1-11, 2009, Becker M., Lazaric N., Advancing empirical research on Organizational routines:…
The difficult creation of novel routines: persistence of old habits and renewal of knowledge base in French SME, Organizational routines: advanceing in empirical research
Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 248-277, 2009, Huet F., Lazaric N.