Catégorie : Revue
The multiplicity of paths to sustainability, grand challenges and routines changes: the long road for Bordeaux winemakers
Innovations. Journal of Innovation Economics & Management, 2025 (à paraître), Lazaric, N., Echajari, L., Leszczyńska, D.
Comment mobiliser les émotions pour inciter à agir en faveur du climat ?
The CONVERSATION, 2024, Petit, E., Bazin, D., Ballet, J., Lazaric, N.
Smart Energy Cities: The Role of Behavioral Interventions in Reducing Electricity Demand in Buildings in Principality of Monaco
Studies in Energy, Resource and Environmental Economics. Springer, 2024, Belaïd, F., Toumi, M., Lazaric, N.
Pourquoi l’efficacité énergétique est un leurre sans sobriété et sans sensibilisation
The CONVERSATION, 2023, Lazaric, N.
Bio-based Plastics: a « Sustainable » Alternative for the Plastic Industry?
International Journal of Environmental Sciences & Natural Resources, Opinion Article , Volume 31 Issue 5, 2023, Barbault, L., Brette, O.,…
Editorial: Alternative building blocks and new recycling routes for polymers: Challenges for circular economy and triggers for innovations
Frontiers Material, Sec. Polymeric and Composite Materials, Volume 10, 2023, Massardier, V., Belhaneche-Bensemra, N., Lazaric, N.
Editorial: Energy efficiency and residential energy consumption: Current Challenges, Policies, and Emerging Trends
Frontiers Energy Research, Sustainable Energy Systems, Volume 11, 2023, Belaid, F., Sanin, ME., Lazaric, N.
Organizational Routines: Evolution in the Research Landscape of Two Core Communities
Journal of Evolutionary Economics, online, 2022, Baldessarelli, G., Lazaric, N., Pezzoni, M.
Planification écologique : la nécessaire concertation démocratique pour une mise en œuvre juste et efficace
The CONVERSATION, 2022, Lazaric, N.