Catégorie : Revue
Defense Firms Adapting to Major Changes in the French R&D Funding System
Defence and Peace Economics,Volume 30, 2019 – Issue 2, Belin, J., Guille, M., Lazaric, N., Mérindol, V.
Habit, Decision Making and Rationality: Comparing Thorstein Veblen and Early Herbert Simon
Journal of Economic Issues, (3), 567-587, 2017, Brette, O., Lazaric, N., de Vierera, V.
What do people ‘learn by looking’ at direct feedback on their energy consumption? Results of a field study in Southern France
Energy Policy, 108, 593-605, 2017, Kendel, A., Lazaric, N., Maréchal, K.
Beyond routines as things: Introduction to the special issue on routine dynamics
Organization Science, 27(3):505-513, 2016, Feldman, M.S., Pentland, B.T., D’Adderio, L., Lazaric, N.
The diffusion of smart meters in France: A discussion of empirical evidence and the implications for smart cities in France
Journal of Strategy and management, 8(3) 231-244, 2015, Kendel, A., Lazaric, N.
Do incentive systems spur work motivations of inventors in high-tech firms: A group-based perspective
Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 2014 (24) 135-157, 2014, Lazaric, N., Raybaut, A.
Reconsidering the nature and effects of habits in urban transportation behaviour
Journal of Institutional Economics, (10) 399-426, 2014, Brette, O., Bühler, T., Lazaric, N., Maréchal, K.
Role of Users in the Developing Eco-Innovation: Comparative case research in China and France
Economies et Sociétés, série W. nº 15, 455-476, 2014, Lazaric, N., Jin, J., Douai, A., Ayerbe, C.
The new challenges of organizing intellectual property in complex industries: a discussion based on the case of Thales
Technovation, (34) 232-241, 2014, Ayerbe, C., Lazaric, N., Callois, M., Mitkova, L.
Consommation Durable et sécurité alimentaire
Revue Juridique de l’Environnement, 4 pp 625- 635, 2013, Bonnin de Toffoli, C., Lazaric, N.